Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Crazy for Cookies

I wish I had some of the newer cookie recipes up - I have about 4 sitting in the queue...I may have to do a second cookie week! Cookies are one of my favoritest things in the whole world to eat...and to make. Your whole house smells so good AND they are the perfect portion. Unlike cake, they don't go bad in a few days, which prevents gorging. You can freeze them both baked and unbaked for later. I often send my husband cookies during deployment and I am gearing up for his third very soon, so I figured it was time to share some of my favorite cookie recipes!

Soft & Chewy M&M Cookies
Probably one of my all-time favorite cookies...although I could say that about all of these for different reasons. I am a cookie snob - and by that, I mean, I am super particular about what cookies I like...they have to stay soft and chewy. If not, chances are, I won't eat them. This was a fantastic M&M cookie recipe that stayed soft and chewy, just like the name states.
Source: viaSarah E. {Fantastical Sharing} on Pinterest

Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookies
These are my favorite chocolate chip cookie. No matter how many I have tried, these are my favorite. It's the recipe from the back of the Nestle chocolate chip bag and seriously...they just rock. They stay soft and chewy, but they are best fresh from the oven, all ooey and gooey. They are also Santa's favorite! We make them each year for Christmas.

Source: viaSarah E. {Fantastical Sharing} on Pinterest

Molasses Cookies
While I do have a mega sweet tooth and love chocolate, my mom's recipe for Molasses cookies is something that brings me back to my childhood and will always remain one of my favorite cookies in the whole world. These gingery delicious cookies stay soft in the middle and are crunchy on the outside.

Source: viaSarah E. {Fantastical Sharing} on Pinterest

Cookies 'n Cream Cookies
I'm not sure why I've only made these once, but they are very much like the other Oreo cookies in the round up. Just without the pudding!

Source: viaSarah E. {Fantastical Sharing} on Pinterest

I had actually never had snickerdoodles prior to this recipe, but had always heard good things about them. I seem to have forgotten how much I like them until I made them again recently!

Source: viaSarah E. {Fantastical Sharing} on Pinterest

Oreo Pudding Cookies
If you asked anyone in my house, these cookies would probably be dubbed King of the Cookies. Everyone loves them. I also made them for a Secret Santa cookie operation for the single soldiers in the battalion and I think it's safe to say they were a favorite!

Source: viaSarah E. {Fantastical Sharing} on Pinterest

Peanut Butter Blossoms
Another classic childhood favorite from my momma, these were made each year at Christmas time. My favorite thing is to eat the cookie around the kiss until all that's left is the kiss and the piece of cookie underneath it. My husband thinks it's a weird practice, but it's the best way to eat them!

Source: viaSarah E. {Fantastical Sharing} on Pinterest

White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies
I definitely saved the best for last. This is easily my most favorite cookie. I think I may have said favorite too many times in this post, but please ignore any other attempts to convince you of my favorite. These are it. My most most most favorite of all the cookies I have made to date. My husband ate about 4 or 5 hot out of the oven, so I know they are good! He claims to not be a big sweets fan (lies, I tell you!). If any of you are familiar with Subway's version of this cookie, these are just like it, except instead of two, you get a couple dozen!

Source: viaSarah E. {Fantastical Sharing} on Pinterest
What are your favorite cookie recipes?